El Nacimiento de Pegaso
Dasil - El Nacimiento de Pegaso

Acrylic on canvas
16" x 20" - 41cm x 51cm
Original available

Comment from the artist

During a trip to Italy, surrounded and exposed to Roman mythology, itself most often of Greek origin, emerged the image of Pegasus, the winged horse, who with a blow of his hoof create the favourite fountain of the poets, the Hippocrene, or spring of the Muses.

Here is represented the birth of Pegasus who, according the Greek mythology, sprang from the spilled blood of the Medusa, herself decapitated by the hero Perseus.

One can distinguish the profile of the Medusa, in the background - eye, nose, mouth, chin, are formed by the front legs of the winged horse, while more in the upper right corner the yellowish clouds compose her hair made of serpents. In the bottom right corner lays the corpse of the Medusa, decapitated. The surrounding reddish clouds remind us of her spilled blood.

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